







Aujeszky’s Disease

Eradication of Aujeszky’s Disease from a Japanese farm using an adapted vaccination program

IntroductionSince 1991, we have been trying to eradicate Aujeszky’s Disease (AD). But, in Japan, vaccination is not compulsory, its use depends on a voluntary decision by veterinarians or farmers. We were asked to eradicate AD on one particular farm. We monitored the farm’s AD status by regularly examining serum samples for AD antibodies. Using these results, we recommended a whole herd vaccination program, advising on the choice of vaccine and its timing for piglets, sows and gilts. We finally succeeded in eradicating AD.

Materials and Methods
The farm: A typical Japanese 500-sow farrow-to-finish herd on a single site in the northern part of Japan.AD Neutralizing Test (NT): Serum samples were incubated for 1 hour with AD virus (200 TCID/ L). The maximum dilution was recorded for neutralization (CPE -ve) after five days incubation (37°, 5% CO2). Measurements >2 were taken to be positive, and those 2, negative. ELISA Test: The ADV (gI) ELISA Test Kit (IDEXX) was used which measured ADV infection, because the only vaccines available in Japan are marker vaccines. Vaccine: Porcilis Begonia, Suvaxyn Forte Vaccination Programs: Program 1. (between spring and autumn, 2005) Vaccination with AD live vaccine (gI-, tk-) Gilts: When acclimatized: 2 doses, 4 weeks apart Sows: All sows, one month before farrowing Piglets: Not vaccinated Program 2. (between autumn 2005 and summer 2006) Vaccination with AD live vaccine (gI+, tk-) Gilts: When acclimatized: 2 doses, 4 weeks apart Sows: All sows, 3 times per year, all at once Piglets: 2 doses at 60 and 90 days old Program 3. (from summer 2006 to present) vaccination with AD live vaccine (gI-, tk-) Gilts: Soon after arrival: 2 doses 4 weeks apart Sows: All sows, 3 times per year, all at once Piglets: Single dose at 90 days old

Program 1: Only one sow was ELISA-positive, there were no other field infections in sows. But field infection was observed in pigs at 90, 120 and 160 days of age. Program 2: The number of AD-positive sows increased, and field infection was observed in pigs of all ages. The farmer considered that the program was failing, and asked us to improve it. Program 3: No rapid changes in field infection, but by the end of November 2008, most pigs were negative. There were only limited numbers of older sows showing AD infection.

Though he was not confident at the start, the farmer became convinced that AD eradication was possible using this monitoring approach. Management measures, including the introduction of only AD-ve gilts, periodic monitoring and feedback to inform a proper vaccination program were effective in eradicating AD on this farm. Communication between farmer and consultant was the key to maintaining motivation. It has now been shown that, strongly motivated farmers in Japan can eradicate AD using an appropriate program of vaccination guided by regular disease monitoring.

shokukanken Y.K


【結果】事故率5%群のPCV2量は6.0×102~7.6×103 copies/mLで、90日齢で最高値を示した。事故率10%群及び20%群では6.0×102~3.8×104 copies/mL及び3.1×103~2.4×105 copies/mLで、60日齢で最高値を示した。事故率5%群は20%群と比較して母豚、30日齢、60日齢、150日齢で有意に低かった。また10%群との比較では60日齢で有意に低かった。事故率10%群は20%群と比較して母豚、150日齢で有意に低かった。IFA抗体価は、いずれの日齢においても群間に有意差はみられなかった。
【総括】事故率5%群のPCV2量は全ての日齢において104 copies/mL以下であったことから、このレベルが事故率改善の一つの指標となることが示唆された。また、日齢ごとにPCV2量を測定することにより、PCV2の増殖時期が明らかとなるため、対策を講じる上で有用な情報となると考えられた。
shokukanken M.N
日本獣医学会(秋) M.N


Major Pathogens Found in Sick Piglets
We have been concerned with health consultation and diagnostic examination of pig farms in central and northern Japan. The purpose of this study is to elucidate relationship between the infectious diseases and piglet age by epidemiological survey of the causative pathogens from 2004 to 2008.

Materials and Methods
1094 samples in total, carcass and feces of diarrhea, were collected from 62 farms in Kanto, 71 in Tohoku and Hokkaido district of Japan. For detection of pathogens, cultural isolation and identification were employed for Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae, Haemophilus parasuis, Pasteurella multocida, Clostridium perfringens, Escherichia coli, Salmonella sp. and Streptococcus sp.; PCR methods for PRRSV, PCV2, and Lawsonia intracellularis; latex agglutination method for Rotavirus; and microscopic examination for fecal parasites such as Coccidium and Trichuris suis.

ResultsThe incidence of detected pathogens at each growth stage of piglets. Additional pathogens detected in PRRSV positive samples (194 cases) and those in PCV2 positive samples (34 cases) . In 0 to 30-days old piglets, C. perfringens and Shiga toxin- producing E. coli (STEC) were found at high rates, 40.5 and 23.5%, respectively. STEC, H. parasuis, P. multocida, and C. perfringens were dominated in 30 to 60-days old animals (20.4, 14.8, 14.6, and 14.1%, respectively). Whereas, the major pathogens changed in the course of piglet growth. PRRSV, P.multocida, and A. pleuropneumoniae were found at high rates (24.9, 20.2, and 18.1%, respectively) in 60 to 90-days old ones; A. pleuropneumoniae, C. perfringens, and P. multocida were abundant in 90 to 120-days old ones (19.2, 17.4 and 15.6%, respectively). Accompanied pathogen to PRRSV was found as P. multocida at the highest rate (40.6%), followed by H. parasuis (24.5%) and A. pleuropneumoniae (19.6%). The mixed infection with PCV2 positive cases was attributed to H. parasuis (48.0%), P. multocida (44.0%), and A. pleuropneumoniae (16.0%).

DiscussionThe results indicate pathological relevance between the pathogens and the age of piglets. Namely, the pathogens causing digestive system diseases were dominant in the early stage of growth, while the agents causing digestive and respiratory system diseases were detected at a nearly same rate in 30 to 60-days old piglets. After 60 days, prevailing pathogens were almost limited to respiratory diseases. In any stage of animal growth, most of the detected pathogens were causative of chronic or opportunistic diseases, and it was suggested that they could develop into complex syndromes by mixed infection with PRRSV or PCV2.
shokukanken M.N
抗体検査|残留農薬 |畜産|鶏病気|豚病気|牛病気